Tag Archives: time out

Done steeping

“Right, that’s three minutes, in water just off the boil. Time to pull!” Kitties dig green tea.


Okay, it’s not going to be easy, but you don’t get to nap after watching this little guy. You might want to make sure that today’s Time Out tea is pretty heavily caffeinated….

Warm and cold

A hot cuppa tea and a frosty set of (breathtaking) pictures. Good combination for your afternoon break, no?


It’s cold and snowy. But at least ferrets can remind us how much fun snow can be sometimes! Poing!

No choice at all

Clearly, this is no choice at all. (also, where do I get an awesome waiter like this for my Tea Time Out?!)

New Year’s Plans

So I wonder how those New Year’s plans worked out for this little guy? Maybe today’s Time Out should be spent contemplating our fuzzy chinchilla overlords….and thinking about how those resolutions are workin’ out.


Greek vases combine with modern animation techniques to create something amazing. Meet Panoply.

Cuppa Grey

Why yes, I’d love a cup of Earl Grey for my afternoon Time Out!